Your online health insurance
is your essential ally for peace of mind when it comes to your health.

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Your Ameli account

This is your secure personal space to access all your services from your computer, mobile, or tablet: check your reimbursements, download your certificates, …

Health insurance provides you with comprehensive protection and tailor-made solutions to meet your medical needs.

That’s why it’s important to have one! 🫶

Don’t worry, because we are about to embark on a fun yet informative journey through the health insurance application process.



First, go to the portal of Ameli.
Click on the link and there you go – you have arrived at the entrance of a world of health wonders!

Now, to demystify the mysteries of health insurance, you will need to cast a spell called “Create an Account”. With your personal information – your name, your date of birth, your French address, and your email address.
As in any epic, you will need to prove your identity. This is where the website will ask you for some documents – your visa or residence permit, your university enrollment certificate (you know, the parchment that proves you are a student of knowledge), and maybe even your student card. Wave your digital wand and upload these documents to move forward!
When browsing through the portal, you will arrive at the main chamber of the application. Here, you will need to inform the website about your insurance needs. Choose the option that suits your adventure – do you need a simple basic health coverage, or are you looking for a more comprehensive magical shield?
It is time to click on this lovely “Submit” button. And suddenly, you have sent your application into the digital heavens. The website will now work its magic to process your request.
In a few days, an email will arrive in your virtual mailbox. This is the moment of truth – your acceptance letter into the world of French health insurance. Open it and celebrate!

You are ready for your quest in France!

Congratulations, brave traveler! You have successfully navigated through the maze of health insurance requests and emerged victorious. Your journey to academic greatness in France is now protected by health insurance. So, with your health safeguarded and your spirit ablaze, embark confidently on your academic adventure, knowing that you are equipped to face any challenges that come your way.

Remember, dear student, the world of health insurance may seem mysterious, but with a touch of curiosity and a hint of imagination, you can unveil its secrets and master its magic! 🌟🎓🌈



stands for ‘Caisse des Allocations Familiales‘. It is a financial support in France. Especially to help you pay your rent.

is a good place to find an apartment in France. It's one of the most popular online platforms for classified ads, and many people use it to list apartments for rent or sale. It offers a wide range of options in various locations across France, making it a valuable resource for anyone looking for housing.


is a French company that help student visit their apartment even if they are not in their new city


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